Well, here I am...preparing for a new life in a new state. We closed on our new home on July 29th and our present home is currently on the market. An open house this weekend, may start to bring buyers by to look. In the meantime... packing is a huge job!! I am often overwhelmed by the amount of stuff we have accumulated over the 12 years we have been in Texas. Stuff...so much stuff!! Some of the things will be easy to put in the box for Good Will or Half Price Books. However, when it comes to stitching stuff...that's another story.
I have spent over a week going through my stash closet and packed about half of my needlework related stuff. Since I am also a designer I have a lot of fibers, fabric and frames for designing and that's a lot of stuff!! Packing this has been a breeze compared to sorting through my personal needlework items.
It is so hard to move that special chart, fabric, floss or frame to the pile designated for letting go! Our guild always has a September Stash Sale for our program that month, so I usually can find quite a few things to put away for that sale. But, it's always hard to say goodbye to the plans I made to stitch that special sampler that I just knew I would get to soon. Of course I have far more charts than I can ever do, but I love to take out the charts and look through them to see what lovely things I might just start tomorrow. This time, I am trying to be a bit more aggressive as I sort through my stash. I mean... do I really need a chart stash the size of a needlework shop? I did an initial pass through and did clean out quite a few charts, but I should probably go through them all again and do another purge.
Gosh, what was I thinking buying all this needlework? I was thinking how I love to stitch. I was enjoying the process of choosing fabric and fibers for a new piece. I was chatting with other stitchers at my local needlework store and I was feeding my creative soul. I don't know about you, but when I stitch I often find myself in a state of wonder and awe as the silk glides through the linen and the colors begin to paint a picture of beauty that can only be created with textiles. With every stitch I take my soul feels the peace that comes with creating from within. It's such a great pleasure to create with needle and thread.
So, with that thought I will return to sorting through the needlework treasures I now part with so others might find a treasure for their own stash.
Til Next Time,